Monday, January 18, 2010

My thoughts

With technology as advanced as it is these days, things can be at our fingertips within seconds.
I recently signed up to be on Twitter. A site that follows anyone and everyone throughout their daily activities. I signed up to follow my favorite band Third Day and their lead singer Mac Powell. On the page it shows "following" and "followers". That made me think. In today's world we follow so many people, mostly celebrity's, athletes, singers, etc. But can we say they follow us? We make them up to be these all important people, but do they even give us a second thought?
Thinking about this reminds me again of why I am so thankful that I am a follower of Jesus Christ. And YES, He follows me too! He would be following every one of us on Twitter. But the really nice thing is, we don't need ANY form of technology, social network, telephone, or anything else to follow and be followed by Jesus Christ. For He loves us so much, that He knows our every action, our every word, even our every thought. He cares so much for us. That is why He follows us.

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